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Feliz is a graphic design studio dedicated to creating high-quality graphic projects and prints for weddings and small businesses. We stand out for the exclusive use of precious materials and the meticulous attention we dedicate to every single detail, ensuring impeccable and personalized results.



+39 3201969155​

+39 3201969155​

Montecosaro, 62010 Macerata  - Le Marche - Italy

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Expiring Invitations

07-03-2023 14:43

Sabrina Araujo

invitations, Wedding invitation, save the date, implementation times,

Expiring Invitations

Do you think you are late for the delivery of your participations? This article will give you all the tips to deliver your invitations on time.

Expiring Invitations


Pensi di essere in ritardo per la consegna delle tue partecipazioni? Oppure fai parte di quel gruppo di spose del “ci penseremo domani…”? Questo articolo ti darà tutte le dritte per consegnare nei tempi giusti i tuoi inviti di nozze.

Tra le domande che ricevo di più, la prima della classifica  è senza dubbio: "Quanto tempo prima devo consegnare le partecipazioni?" Di norma potremmo dire che 2/3 mesi prima del matrimonio sarebbe ottimale, ma il tutto può variare notevolmente in relazione alla provenienza dei vostri invitati e anche in relazione al luogo in cui si svolgerà il vostro matrimonio. Ad esempio, molti dei tuoi invitati vengono dall'estero o comunque devono affrontare un viaggio per arrivare al vostro matrimonio? Le partecipazioni andranno spedite? Oppure, il tuo matrimonio si celebrerà in una destinazione insolita, fuori regione o in un paese straniero? Allora sicuramente dovrai consegnare le  partecipazioni ancora prima, minimo 5 o 6 mesi in anticipo, in modo che gli ospiti e voi (sposi) possiate avere il tempo di organizzare tutto al meglio, in virtù di prenotazioni di alberghi, voli, treni, ecc.


On the other hand, care must be taken not to be too hasty; a premature delivery could cause the invitation to end up in the bottom of a drawer (alone and forgotten) and that the guest does not confirm your invitation due to pure inattention. Better to opt, for example, for a save the date , even in digital format. It is true that the essential RSVP (whether written in French or in Italian "welcome kind confirmation by...") always does its duty in setting a maximum deadline both for confirmation and for refusal of the invitation, perhaps decreasing a certain number of absences due to forgetfulness. Anyway, let's leave these topics for a future article…


But if the delivery times are the ones we mentioned above, how long will it take to create an investment? There is often great confusion on this point because many spouses believe that the participations are made in a very short time, but alas this is not the case. For the creation of a customized invitation or a coordinated graphic, which obviously will include all the visual identity of the spouses and their wedding, times can vary from 3 to 5 days for the graphic design and over 2 weeks for printing and realization of the entire coordinated. However, these times can lengthen considerably if the requests are for letterpress or hot stamping, with particular illustrations of the location and other decorations or finishes.


Differently it happens for the customizable catalog participations, where within a week they can already be in your hands and with a further week you will be able to receive the rest of the coordinated.

Obviously, all these timings are relative and can vary according to the number of guests, processes and finishes chosen and each request must always be analyzed separately.

The only golden rule to always follow is to never make your choices at the last minute, it could mean making many compromises and giving up those small but important details that make a big difference.


Expiring Invitations
invitations, Wedding invitation, save the date, implementation times,

Expiring Invitations

Sabrina Araujo

07-03-2023 14:43

Do you think you are late for the delivery of your participations? This article will give you all the tips to deliver your invitations on time.
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